Come Live Life With Care

When I was little and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always answered "a mommy." My response usually resulted in laughter from adults, because surely mothering wasn't the answer they were looking for. Even at that young age, I was certain that mothering was exactly what I was meant to do. My mom was my main role model in life. The way that she cared for our family and supported other families in her community, as a La Leche League Leader, was always inspiring to me. 

My Mom's influence led me to a career in Women's Health & Education as a Registered Midwife. I loved the incredibly fulfilling life of being a Midwife, but after losing my mom to cancer when my first baby was only 7 months old, I decided I needed to make a change and prioritize my young family for a few years. Leaving a career and a calling is not easy, but I knew I would be able to return to Midwifery in the future when our children are older. 

Today I'm living my dream. I'm a busy stay-at-home mom of 4 beautiful babes, living in Prince Edward County, with my amazing partner. I'm a content creator, a prenatal and family safety educator, and love working with families online and in my community.

I created With Care (Fifty-Seven from 2012-2017) out of a passion for informed pregnancy, childbirth & parenting. I offer warm, family-focused education & support for expectant and young families. I strive to provide parents with a judgment-free experience where they become the experts and learn to rely on their own intuition in everyday decisions. As an experienced healthcare professional and mom I have the knowledge, expertise & gentle approach to help you build confidence and make informed choices for your family.

As a Registered Midwife, CPR Instructor, Certified Car Seat Technician, Babywearing Educator & Infant Mental Health Specialist, I have spent countless hours learning about all things pregnancy, birth, and baby. Although I don't claim to have all the answers, I love to share my knowledge and support, in the hopes of helping parents make informed decisions that are right for their individual family. From amazing products to incredible services, health related topics to fun DIYS, I'm here to provide Education + Inspiration from Pregnancy through Parenthood. 

I hope you enjoy following along. 

Warmly, Care


*With Care is a PR friendly site. Please check out my Collaborations & Media Page  and contact with any inquiries about collaborations, pricing, media requests, interviews or special events.