Simple DIY Floor Cushions
If your kids are anything like mine, they probably don't actually sit on furniture the way it's intended. Mine seem to sit on the floor most of the time, so I decided to make them some oversized floor pillows to make a cozy spot for reading books or watching a movie.
If your kids are anything like mine, they probably don't actually sit on furniture the way it's intended. Mine seem to sit on the floor most of the time, so I decided to make them some oversized floor pillows to make a cozy spot for reading books or watching a movie.
I searched high and low on the good old internet for some appropriate cushions, but the prices were ridiculous. $150-$300 for a big cushion with cover! Not exactly what I wanted to spend on cushions that I knew would be covered in peanut butter and apple juice within hours. I wanted something that I could machine wash and toss on the floor without concern for ruining them. I even looked at dog beds, but turns out people spend A LOT on their dogs. Not that I don't love my kids, but seriously, I just couldn't justify that kind of money on floor cushions. So I decided I would make them myself.
I found an amazing textile place in West Toronto, Nusso Textiles, that has an incredible selection of pillows and cushions, as well as options for custom orders. If you oder more than $100 at a time it's considered wholesale and much cheaper. I ordered a dozen throw pillows of various sizes for our screened in porch bench seats and 4 giant 32" x 32" pillows for the kids. I opted to upgrade to the polycotton covering so they would stand up to any necessary laundering. They came to $22 each and were ready to pick up in about 4 days.
Next I wanted to make covers for the pillows, but again wanted to keep it simple and affordable. I chose some durable cotton canvas fabric (I recommend a cotton canvas or cotton twill, something with a little more strength than a soft quilting or craft cotton) from my favourite local fabric store Fabric Fabric. This place might seem a little rough around the edges, but I promise it has great fabrics and even better prices. I find I get my best deals from the ladies there when I'm pregnant or toting around a cute baby. Just a tip ;)
I found this dead simple envelope pillow case tutorial online and set to work. This is definitely a project appropriate for a beginner, and can be adapted to fit any cushion size. The project involves:
- cutting one piece of fabric
- ironing said fabric
- hemming two ends of the fabric
- folding the fabric into the appropriate shape &
- sewing a straight edge along 2 sides.
For each of my 32" cushions I needed 2 meters of fabric, which left me with extra fabric for smaller cushion covers or other projects. I cut 1 piece of fabric 32" x 72" (32"x2 +8" for overlap and seam allowance) and created my cover. Once I figured out my measurements each pillow case only took about 20 kid free minutes to make...if a baby or child is around this could be extended to several days ;)
As you can see the kids are loving the finished project. The best part is that they cost about $40 each to make. A huge savings from the original ones I found on Etsy and other sites, not to mention you can customize them to suit your style. Hope this inspires you to make some cozy floor cushions for your family.