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Winter Car Seat Safety With Global Morning News

Winter weather has arrived, so that means it’s time for a little reminder about the importance of winter car seat safety. Lucy (my 6 year old) and I joined Jennifer Valentyne at Global News to chat about what products to avoid putting on our kids in their car seats, and what some safe options are. Learn how to ensure you’re keeping your kiddo warm, but most importantly secure in their car seat this winter.

Winter weather has arrived, so that means it’s time for a little reminder about the importance of winter car seat safety. Lucy (my 6 year old) and I joined Jennifer Valentyne at Global News to chat about what products to avoid putting on our kids in their car seats, and what some safe options are. Learn how to ensure you’re keeping your kiddo warm, but most importantly secure in their car seat this winter.

Make sure to check out my winter babywearing essentials and my other car seat safety videos for more info. Plus subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date on my new videos. Feel free to ask any questions below.

- Care

In this video:

Buckle Me Baby Coat | Clek Liing Car Seat | Britax Frontier Car Seat | Skip Hop Car Seat Cover

*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.

*The information in this video is meant to help you learn about car seat safety. Please always read your vehicle manual and car seat manual to ensure compatibility and proper secure installation and use. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. 

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Parenting With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care Care Sinclair

Halloween Safety Tips For Families With Global Morning News

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Please share this with anyone you think could use the tips. If you need any help and support keeping your kiddos safe, grab a spot in one of my Upcoming Family CPR & Safety Workshops.

I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy Halloween!

- Care

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