Lucy's 4th Unicorn Birthday Party
This year for Lucy's 4th Birthday I decided to go all out and throw her the party of her dreams. As a true 2nd child, she has never had a real party until now. While Ben has had several epic birthday parties. So basically, this party was making up for a few years of some serious parental guilt.
This year for Lucy's 4th Birthday I decided to go all out and throw her the party of her dreams. As a true 2nd child, she has never had a real party until now. While Ben has had several epic birthday parties. So basically, this party was making up for a few years of some serious parental guilt.
Lucy requested a Unicorn party, with a unicorn flavoured cake, and real live unicorns!! After a discussion about mythical creatures vs. real animals, and a little internet search for animals and kid's birthday parties, we settled on unicorn invites, a unicorn shape cake, and a visit from some adorable animals care of Pawsitively Pets. Luckily since we wanted to have a weeknight birthday party they were able to accommodate my less than 2 week notice (see I'm not always organized). Please note: weekend parties book up much farther in advance, so don't wait as long as I did, or you'll be disappointed.
Once I knew Lucy wanted a Unicorn party I set to work on the internet to find a perfect invite and some cute decor. I fell in love with this invite from Little Crazy Doughnut on Etsy, and knew Lucy would adore it too. I absolutely love buying custom invites like this because it's so convenient, affordable, and fast. Which was especially important on my tight timeline.
We sent our invites out via email which is a time and money saver, and has the added benefit of preventing kids from getting their feelings hurt at school. I firmly believe that you can invite as many or as few kids to a birthday party, as long as your tactful about it. A full class party of 28 kids was not happening for us, so Lucy chose a few of her friends from her class and our neighbourhood to invite.
Next I set out to find a unicorn cake and when I saw this one by Le Dolci I knew it was perfect. I wanted this to be a huge surprise for Lucy, so I never let her see photos of it ahead of time. She was absolutely blown away by it, and so were all of the guests at the party. Plus it was absolutely delicious! As a baker I'm especially picky of icing and this was some amazing icing.
The beautiful flowers from Tonic Blooms added such a perfect touch to the table, and brightened up our home all week. I didn't know exactly what I wanted, so I sent them a photo of some of the party decor and they made up these gorgeous arrangements. I was blown away by how well they complimented the overall theme.

I absolutely love the way the decor all turned out, but nothing at the party could compare to the adorable creatures Pawsitively Pets brought. Our host Jess arrived a few minutes early and set up the area for the pet show. I loved how they came so prepared with sheets to cover the floors, baby wipes and hand sanitizer. Jess was great with the kids and managed to keep them engaged throughout the whole hour. When some of the kids started getting tired of sitting, she did a little exercise break with them and got them right back into the show. The kids got to look at, learn about, touch and hold a bunch of different cool animals. The questions that the kid's asked were so adorable, and it was amazing to hear some of the stuff they already knew about the animals. The chinchilla was the highlight of the party for me. Not only the softest thing I have ever felt (seriously it's softer than cashmere. no joke. I want one), but it also sat on their heads, which basically made their year.
I'm so happy to have so many amazing memories from Lucy's party captured by Silvia and Tony of Anchor Studio. I know I would never have been able to get action shots like this while hosting. Although we won't be able to have a photographer at every party, it was a nice treat for this one. I don't think Lucy is going to forget this party anytime soon. She is still wearing her unicorn horn around the house...and sometimes to school. So all in all I would say it was a major success. I will be sure to share the DIY Unicorn horns on the blog soon. I hope this gives you some inspiration for your next kid's birthday party.
In this post:
Pawsitively Pets: Pet Parties & Camps | Le Dolci: Unicorn Cake | Anchor Studio: Photography *Mention With Care at booking to receive 10% Off| Little Crazy Doughnut: Invitation | Tonic Blooms: Flower Arrangements | Newmies: Unicorn Stuffies | Tiny Trendsetter: Lucy's Dress
*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.
No Stress, Last Minute, Back To School Guide - The Real 4 Must Haves
With back to school right around the corner I have received some panicked messages from friends and clients who have left prep to the last minute, and are feeling overwhelmed. So many parents believe they need to break the bank and buy a tons of supplies to make sure their little one is ready, but that's not the case. I firmly believe back to school shouldn't be stressful for parents, especially if you're little one is headed to Kindergarten (or early elementary years, grades 1-3).
With back to school right around the corner I have received some panicked messages from friends and clients who have left prep to the last minute, and are feeling overwhelmed. So many parents believe they need to break the bank and buy a tons of supplies to make sure their little one is ready, but that's not the case. I firmly believe back to school shouldn't be stressful for parents, especially if you're little one is headed to Kindergarten (or early elementary years, grades 1-3). We are very fortunate to have the majority of school supplies provided here by our public school board, so don't waste your money. You can always buy supplies in the future if the need arrises. (*If your child attends a private school, please follow the list they provide)
In an effort to calm nerves and help anyone who is worried that they're not doing enough, here is my super simple, no stress, totally last minute, back to school guide. There are only 4 Must Haves on my list...yes technically some categories have more than 1 item, but you probably have at least 1 at home. Yay! See, you're already winning ;)
4 Must Haves for Back to School
1. Litterless Lunch: Most schools ask families to pack lunch and snacks with as little disposable packaging as possible. There are tons of amazing lunch boxes on the market these days, so take a look around before you purchase one. You can always use some simple containers eg. yogurt and sour cream containers, for the first few days if you're waiting on your lunchbox to arrive, or still deciding. One thing to ensure is that your little one can independantly open whatever containers you send. It's a good idea to do some practice runs in the days leading up to the start of school to give them confidence for the big day. We did a practice walk to school and a picnic so Lucy could try out her new gear. Needless to say it was a total hit.
Each kid typically needs a lunchbox and bag, an ice pack, a leakproof water bottle, a reusable cutlery set, a napkin, and a thermos (if you intend to send any warm food). We love our PlanetBox lunch boxes (See previous review here), and are really excited to try out their capsule water bottles and cold kits this year. These are definitely an investment, but with Ben going into his 3rd year with his, I'm feeling pretty great about the purchase. *Edited in 2019 to note: We’re now on year 5 with Ben’s original planet box and still going strong!
We typically pack the PlanetBox with a healthy lunch, and then pack 2 snacks in the front pocket of the carry bag (you could also pack these in the front pocket of their backpack). For snacks we typically do 1 piece of fruit eg. apple, pear, orange - no package, or wrapped in abeego, and something that fits into the planet box big dipper snack container eg. nut-free energy balls
2. Indoor Shoes: Schools usually ask that kids have a comfortable pair of shoes to be left at school for daily use indoor. Since our kids are running around inside and sweating a lot I always try to pick something that's breathable. I love runners with a strong mesh fabric upper. These are the ones I have bought for Ben for the last 2 years (In pic above. *Edited in 2019 to note that we got these awesome similar New Balance ones this year for both Ben & Lucy). I have been really happy with the way they have lasted all school year and through the summer for camp, and how comfortable he's found them. I highly recommend finding something similar with good breathability. There are tons of great sales on right now, so hopefully you can save some money on this purchase.
3. Change of Clothes: A labeled, season appropriate, change of clothes is important to pack on the first day of school (including socks and underwear). Place the extra clothes in a labeled resealable plastic bag to be left at school for future accidents or mishaps. I have used Mabels Labels on clothes, bags, water bottles & lunch containers with success for 2 years now and have barely lost anything. I highly recommend labelling your kid's stuff in some way (even simply using a sharpie), otherwise you will lose a lot of stuff, and be unable to easily identify it.
I don't rush out to buy a ton of fall clothes for back-to-school, because September tends to be warm in our area. When I do buy school clothes I like to stick to basics that can be handed down to siblings. If your little one is in need of some new cloths for the school year, check out the amazing new line of Tiny Basics Tiny Trendsetter just launched.
4. A Backpack: Every kid obviously needs one, but what size? There are so many these days that it can be hard to know what is appropriate. Most schools ask that kid's bring a full size backpack (eg. one that fits a binder) starting in Kindergarten. Mini backpacks, like these adorable Skip Hop ones, are perfect for preschool and daycare, but not appropriate for full day school. I always try to find a backpack that will fit lunch, snacks and library books, but that also fits my kid's frame and doesn't overpower their ability to stay upright ;)
If you're in need of some last minute back to school gear check out Tiny Trendsetter. They have a huge selection of adorable backpacks and back-to-school basics to choose from online or in-store.
I hope this simple list helps put you at ease, and let's you focus instead on your little one, and the big transition that is to come. Lots of love to all of the nervous parents out there (don't worry, I'm one too!). One thing I can tell you from experience is that it's usually harder on us than it is on them. You've got this!
As always please feel free to ask questions below.
In This Post
Tiny Trendsetter Herschel Backpacks, Skip Hop Backpacks | PlanetBox Rover Lunchbox, Capsule Water Bottle, Carry Bag + Cold Kits | The Shoe Company Nike Running Shoes
*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.
Keeping Our Kiddos Safe In Summer - Preventing, Recognizing & Treating Overheating & Dehydration
Summertime is so much fun with little ones, but it can also be a dangerous season if we don't consider how to keep our little ones cool and hydrated during extreme heat. Babies and young children have a smaller amount of liquid in their body, so dehydration can progress more quickly than in adults. Additionally, babies and young children can't sweat as well as adults, so they can have a hard time cooling their bodies down once they begin to heat up, putting them at higher risk of overheating.
Summertime is so much fun with little ones, but it can also be a dangerous season if we don't consider how to keep our little ones cool and hydrated during extreme heat. Babies and young children have a smaller amount of liquid in their body, so dehydration can progress more quickly than in adults. Additionally, babies and young children can't sweat as well as adults, so they can have a hard time cooling their bodies down once they begin to heat up, putting them at higher risk of overheating. That's why it's very important to keep a close eye on your little ones on hot and humid days. Most of the time we can recognize the early signs and symptoms of dehydration and overheating (heat exhaustion & heat cramps) and work to prevent any serious issues. If ignored, these can progress to Heat Stroke and Severe Dehydration - which are a medical emergency and life threatening.
As a CPR & Safety Instructor and mom of 3, I get lots of questions about keeping kids safe from the sun and heat in the summer months. So today, I'm sharing a few tips on keeping your kiddos safe from the sun, and preventing overheating and dehydration. Plus how to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses, and what to do if you're concerned about your little one.
How to Keep Littles Safe In the Sun:
It is recommended that babies under 6 months old stay out of the sun, and sunscreens are not recommended. If you absolutely can't keep baby shaded from the sun, a small amount of sunscreen is typically safer than sun exposure to their sensitive skin.
Cover up as much skin as possible with light loose breathable clothing
For kids and babies over 6 months use a broad spectrum sun screen of SPF30+ daily on exposed skin, and don't forget to reapply frequently. This is my current favourite
Use a brimmed hat and UV protective sunglasses (if your little will keep them on!)
Stay in the shade as much as possible
Use UV protective clothing and swim suits
Use umbrellas to create shade
When parents are concerned about sun exposure they often cover their baby completely, putting them at a much higher risk of overheating. Here are some tips to reduce that risk and keep babies & big kids safe on hot days.
How to Reduce the Risk of Heat Related Illnesses:
Stay home on heat/smog advisory days, or head to air conditioned spaces e.g. libraries, community centres, shopping centres
Dress in light breathable natural fabrics
Play outside before 10am & after 4pm when the sun is less intense
Play in the shade
Use a sprinkler, water mister, or fan to stay cool
Encourage hydration throughout the day. Breastmilk/Formula are the main forms of hydration for infants under 1 year, but a small amount of water is appropriate if you're concerned about their fluid intake on a hot day. Clear fluids like water and coconut water are ideal. You can flavour water with fresh fruit for a nice change. Popsicles are also a great way to hydrate and stay cool. Kids can get distracted when having fun, so make sure you stop regularly for hydration breaks.
Eat foods with high water content eg. watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe, blueberries, oranges etc
Never leave a baby, child or pet in a parked car, even for a moment. A parked car can reach life threatening temperatures within minutes.
When out and about with your stroller or car seat avoid using plastic sun covers, and never fully cover your baby. A few years ago a Swedish research study showed that a covered stroller or car seat can become dangerously hot very quickly, even with a light muslin blanket. If you are using a stroller cover, please ensure it's a UV protective breathable mesh cover, or ensure you don't cover the entire opening. Always prioritize air flow to baby.
You should always be able to see your baby's face without lifting up the fabric. Oh hot sunny days I use a set of Kiddie Clips to hold a light weight blanket in place which creates good sun cover for Penny's bare legs, but does not block the air circulation to her face. If you're ever draping a blanket over a car seat please ensure there is adequate air flow and that baby is always visible. (*Special offer from Kiddie Clips below)
If you're babywearing try to choose a carrier made of a lightweight breathable fabric like linen, or one with a mesh panel to allow air flow. My favourite in the summer months are my Sakura Bloom Linen Ring Sling and my new I-Angel Hip Seat Carrier with mesh panel. If you or baby is getting too hot make sure you take a break and remove baby from the carrier to cool off in the shade or inside. *These are only 2 examples of carriers which are ideal for summer wearing. I always encourage parents to "try before you buy", as you never know what will fit you and your babywearing needs best until you try it with your own baby. Join me at my monthly FREE Babywearing Drop In to learn more about babywearing, or to try any of my carriers.
Even when we follow these recommendations overheating can happen in our extreme climate. Learn the signs and symptoms below so you will know how to recognize heat related illnesses early, and treat them to avoid an emergency.
Signs and Symptoms of Overheating and Dehydration:
Change in behaviour eg. lethargy, drowsiness, irritability
Muscle Cramps
Decreased urination/dark yellow urine
Extreme thirst
Cool, clammy skin
Rapid breathing & heart rate
What to Do If You Notice Concerning Symptoms:
Bring person to a cool place indoors, an air-conditioned car, or shady area
Remove excess clothing
Encourage hydration (clear, non-caffeinated, non-carbonated liquids are best)
Apply a cool wet cloth to skin *Here's one of my fave mom hacks for summer. If we're headed out on a long summer day trip I always plan ahead and freeze a few water bottles in the deep freeze the night before. The frozen bottles stay cold late into the day and keep the rest of the food/drinks cool. They can be used to hydrate, but can also be applied to the back of the neck/wrist, or thawed cold water can be poured over a piece of fabric for a compress, to help cool someone off if need be.
With mild symptoms continue to encourage hydration and monitor closely.
If they are refusing liquids, and symptoms are not improving or becoming more serious, contact your health care provider or head to a clinic to get health care immediately.
Always call 911 if situation becomes life threatening (eg. overheating or dehydration causing rapid breathing, a true fever, increased heart rate, fainting, unresponsiveness)
I hope these tips make you feel more confident caring for your babes in our hot summer months. In my experience parents focus so much on their little ones well being, and often forget about their own. So here's a friendly reminder for all parents, and especially the nursing mamas out there, to up your hydration during the summer months so you to keep up with the increased hydration your body needs.
If you want to learn more about keeping your family safe throughout the year check out my Infant/Family CPR & Safety Workshops (Private in-home and public group classes available). As a little gift please use code: sunsmart10 for 10% off your own set of Kiddie Clips. Please post any questions or comments below, and let me know if you have any topics you would like me to cover.
Ollibaby Kiddie Clips *10% off code: sunsmart10 | I Angel: Grey Chevron Hip Seat Carrier | Tiny Trendsetter: Chambray Bonnet & Saltwater Sandals | Diaper-eez: UV suits, Baby Sunglasses *10% off code: Withcare | Sakura Bloom: Linen Ring Sling | Uppababy Vista Stroller | Bonjour Baby Baskets Little Unicorn Official Strawberry Blanket
*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
Basement Playroom Makeover Reveal + Amazing Decor GIVEAWAY! (Special Discount Included)
Last year as we awaited the arrival of Penny, our 3rd baby, we realized that we desperately needed more usable space in our Toronto home. We made the big decision to finish our basement, and set out to create a comfortable space for our family that wouldn't break the bank. Originally it was a dark and dingy 70's inspired space with cement floors covered in ripped linoleum and walls cladded in old-school wood panelling. My inspiration for the makeover was light and bright.
Last year as we awaited the arrival of Penny, our 3rd baby, we realized that we desperately needed more usable space in our Toronto home. We made the big decision to finish our basement, and set out to create a comfortable space for our family that wouldn't break the bank. Originally it was a dark and dingy 70's inspired space with cement floors covered in ripped linoleum and walls cladded in old-school wood panelling. My inspiration for the makeover was light and bright.
The main part of the renovations were completed just days before Penny's arrival. Every contractor who entered our house looked terrified when they saw me waddling around talking about my home water birth, that was to be held in said basement ;) With 3 kids in tow it has taken me a year to pull together accessories and fun stuff for this kid friendly space. I'm so excited to finally share the kids' favourite new space and give away shop credits for two of our favourite finds! *Please note: the playroom was only this tidy for photos. Typically every basket and bin get emptied out onto the floor daily ;)

1. Lorena Canals Machine Washable & Dryer Friendly Rugs
Kid's are messy little creatures, so when I set out to find a rug to make a cozy reading space for the kids I knew I wanted a Lorena Canals. These rugs are incredible. They are machine washable, made from all natural materials and dyes, and free from any dangerous chemicals. We have already washed and dried our rug a few times and I can tell you I am so happy with the choice. There are tons of amazing designs and colours to choose from at Amelie & Max. I loved so many of them, but was limited to choosing one without fringe, because we have a cat who loves to destroy all fringe. I love this ABC one the kids helped me choose. Enter for a chance to WIN a $100 credit toward a Lorena Canals Rug from Amelie & Max! (entry details below)
2. Newmies Eco-Friendly Baby & Toddler Developmental Toys
I love supporting small local businesses, so when I met Amanda, the owner of Newmies, at The Bump to Baby Show I knew it was a perfect fit. I absolutely love her handmade stuffed toys, rattles, teethers, painted wooden blocks, and most of all her wall hangings. They have such great positive messages for our kids. We picked the "Love is Love" and "Wild & Free" hangings, but there are tons of adorable ones in her etsy shop, so check it out. Such a unique gift for baby showers or birthday parties. I'm also obsessed with the Farmer's Market set and the Campfire Set that comes complete with S'mores! Enter for a Chance to WIN a $40 shop credit with Newmies. (entry details below)
Enter for a chance to WIN a $100 Credit for a Lorena Canals Rug with Amelie & Max* + a $40 Shop Credit with Newmies! (*Rug design choices subject to availability at at time of ordering)
To Enter simply comment below with your name and email address, or alternatively you may comment below and submit your email address to for entry. Plus make sure to check out our Facebook page & Instagram feed for 2 more ways to enter! Contest is open worldwide for anyone 25+ and closes Thursday June 22nd at 11pm EST. A winner will be chosen at random and contacted within 24 hours. Good Luck!
*As a special treat use code "WITHCARE" for $10 off your 1st purchase over $50 with Amelie & Max and $10 off your 1st purchase over $40 with Newmies.
Don't wait, Enter NOW! Plus don't forget to enter on Facebook & Instagram. Good luck!
In this post:
Amelie & Max: rug, sheepskin, house shelf, toy hamper, lightbox | Newmies: hand painted blocks, rattle, teether, wall hangings, stuffed unicorn | Ikea: book rails, couch, shelving unit, baskets, play kitchen | With Care: DIY Simple Floor Cushions | Tiny Trendsetters: Penny's dress & bloomers
*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.