Top 3 Ways To Save Money & The Environment While Dressing Your Kids - Part 1/3

Constantly buying new kids clothing & gear is really expensive and harmful to the environment. Keeping up with the seasons, your kid's ever changing body, and their personal preferences can put a big dent in your family's budget, and often means that parents rely on cheap disposable clothing in order to get by. The consequences of such fast fashion include human rights violations for labourers, as well as serious environmental damage. (Important topics for another post)

In an effort to save money and decrease our impact we buy a lot of gently used clothing and gear for our little ones, and also think a lot about what we purchase new. Friends and clients often ask how we save money and where we get our best deals, so in this 3 part series I'll lay out my 3 favourite ways to save money & help the environment while dressing our kids. (besides free hand-me-downs...they are obviously the best!)

Local Community Parent to Parent Sales

These sales are a great way to get amazing deals on kids clothing, gear & toys. Every year I hit up a few of these sales to stock up on our most pressing needs.

In our area of the city, Bloor West Village, there is a semi-annual sale called "Children's Pillage in the Village" put on by community families which is happening TOMORROW!

Sat. May 24th from 1pm-3:30pm at Swansea Community Center (15 Waller Ave)

I can't wait! Last fall I managed to get baby Lucy a very gently used Mountain Equipment Co-op fleece snow suit for only $5!! As well as an almost new Maya Wrap Ring Sling for only $12!! So many amazing deals to be had on clothes, accessories, gear and toys.  

*Most sales do not allow children or strollers inside. So leave the kids at home & have fun shopping for some great deals with your laundry hamper!

*I strongly encourage you to make note of your kid's shoe & clothing sizes & what you need most, so you can go directly to those areas of the sale first. These sales are extremely busy & not for the faint of heart!

Below you'll find links to some of the sales that happen around the city each spring & fall. Hope you check some of them out, so you and your family can save some moola and stay green while dressing your little ones.

Stay tuned for Part 2 next week to learn more about dressing your kids on a budget with the environment in mind. 


Local Parent to Parent Sales


Top 3 Ways to Save Money & The Environment While Dressing Your Kids - Part 2/3


Delicious Banana Blueberry Bran Muffins