Starting Solids With Care Care Sinclair Starting Solids With Care Care Sinclair

Register for NEW Live Online Starting Solids Workshops + Greek Yogurt Snowball Recipe for BLW *VIDEO

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve listened to your requests and added a LIVE Online Starting Solids Workshop to my offerings. Check out all of the upcoming dates on my calendar and grab your spot now! Just like my in-person classes, these online sessions will have very limited spaces available. So you’ll still be able to engage with the class content, enjoy live food demos, and ask all of your questions.


I’m very excited to announce that I’ve listened to your requests and added a LIVE Online Starting Solids Workshop to my offerings. Check out all of the upcoming dates on my calendar and grab your spot now! Just like my in-person classes, these online sessions will have very limited spaces available. So you’ll still be able to engage with the class content, enjoy live food demos, and ask all of your questions.

Speaking of questions, I get tons about how to feed soft liquid textures like greek yogurt when focusing on self-feeding (vs spoon-feeding). Watch this video to get one of my all time favourite healthy recipes for self-feeding greek yogurt, Snowballs! My little guy Fred has been scarfing these down on the regular. The best part is that the recipe only takes minutes to make, uses 4-5 simple healthy ingredients, and can be switched up to work with what you have at home. You don’t want to miss this one! Watch this video and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to see more of our adventures in starting solids.


- Care

In This Video:

ezpz Tiny Spoon from Hip Mommies | Bumkins sleeved bib | Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

*Please note: The information in this video is meant to help you learn about starting solids. All babies are different and this is just one example of safe feeding. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. The information provided is not intended to override your health care providers recommendations for your individual baby.

*If you need more help please register for one of my upcoming Starting Solids Workshops or contact me if you want to arrange a private session. If your needs go beyond what I can help you with, I am more than happy to provide you with a referral to an excellent paediatric dietician

*Health Canada Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Six to 24 Months (includes recommendation for self feeding)

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Starting Solids With Care Care Sinclair Starting Solids With Care Care Sinclair

How to Feed Banana: Baby-Led Weaning - 6 Months Old *VIDEO

I’m so excited to post my first video in a long series of starting solids resources that I will be sharing in the coming months. Over the last 6 years teaching parents about Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) I have realized that more online support is needed. I can’t wait to offer more of my favourite tips and tricks, so you can feel confident feeding your baby safely.


I’m so excited to post my first video in a long series of starting solids resources that I will be sharing in the coming months. Over the last 6 years teaching parents about Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) I have realized that more online support is needed. I can’t wait to offer more of my favourite tips and tricks, so you can feel confident feeding your baby safely.

In this quick video you’ll learn how to prepare banana for baby. Including tips for dealing with slippery textures, how to make sure our baby is safe during meal time, and my favourite product for BLW food scraps. You don’t want to miss this one. Watch this video and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to see more of our adventures in starting solids.

If you need more help please register for one of my upcoming Starting Solids Workshops or contact me if you want to arrange a private session. If your needs go beyond what I can help you with, I am more than happy to provide you with a referral to an excellent paediatric dietician.

- Care

*Please note: The information in this video is meant to help you learn about starting solids. All babies are different and this is just one example of safe feeding. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. The information provided is not intended to override your health care providers recommendations for your individual baby.

*Health Canada Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Six to 24 Months (includes recommendation for self feeding)

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5 Essential Food Hacks for Baby-Led Weaning at The Bump To Baby Show 2019 - Register Now!

I’m so excited to be taking part in The Bump To Baby Show again this June 2nd at the Wychwood barns. This show is always jam packed with an amazing line up of vendors, entertainment, food, and fun for the whole family. Plus the best playground ever for kids! It’s hands down my favourite show to take part in every year.

I’m so excited to be taking part in The Bump To Baby Show again this June 2nd at the Wychwood barns. This show is always jam packed with an amazing line up of vendors, entertainment, food, and fun for the whole family. Plus the best playground ever for kids! It’s hands down my favourite show to take part in every year.

Once again I will be offering a special live demo with amazing team from  The Big Carrot. This year I’m talking about “5 Essential Food Hacks for Baby Led Weaning.” Register Now to learn how to make your life as a parent a whole lot easier, keep your baby safe, get tons of amazing Baby-led weaning recipes, and ask any questions you have. Plus you can Enter for a chance to WIN a pass to one of my upcoming Starting Solids Workshops + More! This FREE session is perfect for any parents with babies age 0-12 months.

To plan your visit to the show check out the Play + Learn page to find out more and Register for all of the amazing sessions being offered, including my live demo at 2pm. Plus check out the Marketplace to learn more about the incredible line up of vendors you’ll get to see.

If you make it to the show, please pop by and say “Hi” at my table, or register for a spot at my session. Space is limited, so don’t wait! “5 Essential Food Hacks for Baby Led Weaning”

- Care

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Everything You Need to Know About When to Start Solids With Baby

I get a ton of questions from parents in my community and online about when to start solids with baby. Starting Solids can be a very daunting task for parents and can be accompanied by a lot of self doubt and worry.

I get a ton of questions from parents in my community and online about when to start solids with baby. Starting Solids can be a very daunting task for parents and can be accompanied by a lot of self doubt and worry. Parents often fear they might not be doing what is nutritionally best, or safest, for their baby. In my Starting Solids Workshops I always like to remind parents that babies around the world start complimentary foods in many different ways, and that there is no one perfect way. In my classes I focus on encouraging parents to start solids when their baby is developmentally ready, to choose safe healthy foods, and to provide opportunities for their baby to feed themselves (aka baby led feeding/weaning). 

In recent years Health Canada and The Canadian Pediatric Society have changed their position on when it's best to start solids. The recommendation currently focusses on breastmilk or formula as the best food for baby for the first 6 months, and to start solids for healthy low risk babies around 6 months old. Of course there is no exact perfect time for every baby, so some babies will be a little before and some a little after 6 months, depending on their development. In babies who are at high risk of allergies (those with a diagnosed egg allergy or severe eczema) research is indicating it might be beneficial to start high allergen foods (eggs, nut butters, soy etc) sometime between 4-6 months (Learn More about the Newest Allergy Guidelines). The research is always changing, so don't feel guilty if you did it differently with your baby. 

I always remind parents that rather than focusing on your baby's exact age, it's essential to ensure that they are developmentally ready for solids, so we don't increase their risk of choking. Here are some of the things that we always look for when considering if a baby is ready for solids.

  • Has baby lost their tongue thrust?

  • Does baby have strong head and neck control?

  • Can baby turn their head to the side to decline unwanted food?

  • Can baby sit upright in a high chair or booster keeping their airway and food passage open, without slumping?

  • Can baby bring objects to their mouth? e.g. toys

  • Does Baby show an interest in your food and eating?

If the answer is yes to all of these, and your baby is approximately 6 months old, than it's probably time to start thinking about starting solids. 

A common question I get asked is "Should we start solids early to help baby sleep longer stretches at night?" Although this sounds like a good idea as it would keep baby fuller longer, it can actually backfire and cause more night time wakings if baby's digestive system isn't ready. It's also important to remember that night time wakings in infants are normal, and are tied to their rapidly developing brain. Parents are always free to make a decision to start solids earlier or later if that is what works for their baby and their family, but being informed is essential. Remember, you know your baby best.

Now that you know what signs to look for you can keep an eye on your babe and start solids when they're good and ready. Stay tuned for my next post in this series focusing on How to Safely Start Solids with Your Baby. I'll discuss both Baby Led Feeding (Baby Led Weaning) & Spoon Feeding, so you can do what works best for you and your baby. 

Please feel free to send along any questions or comments you have, and don't hesitate to ask for topics you would like me to cover in the future. 

- Care 


*Please speak to your physician if your baby was preterm or has special health concerns. This post is not intended to override any advice or recommendations provided by your health care team.


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5 Favourite Signs for Mealtime with Baby

Baby sign language is a great way to increase communication with your baby before oral language skills are developed. I love using sign language with our babies and have found it hugely helpful in reducing frustration in their non-verbal days. 

Baby sign language is a great way to increase communication with your baby before oral language skills are developed. I love using sign language with our babies and have found it hugely helpful in reducing frustration in their non-verbal days. 

I often get asked when we started signing, and how we developed and added to our repertoire over time. I'll be sharing more about our journey with Baby Sign Language over the next few months, but for now I thought I would share a few of our favourite signs for mealtime. 

One of the ways that we naturally increased our sign language vocabulary was adding signs as we encountered new situations or started new routines for our babies. Starting Solids is a great time to introduce basic signs like food and drink, as well as signs that help baby tell us that they want more, or have had enough. These signs are especially important so we can ensure that we are always listening to our baby, and giving them full control over what, and how much, they eat. 

Watch this video of Penny to see one of our favourite Baby Led Feeding Breakfasts. Plus learn 5 of our Favourite Signs for Mealtime with Baby.


To learn more Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (more videos to come soon!) and check out my Starting Solids Workshops. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help registering, or have questions about group or private sessions. Have fun signing!


*This post is not sponsored.

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What's really new in the New Allergy Guidelines for Babies?

A new guideline came out this week from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease focusing on peanut allergies and specifically when to introduce high allergen foods to babies. When I heard the news of the new guideline I felt like I could hear every parent collectively sigh out of frustration...


A new guideline came out this week from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease focusing on prevention of peanut allergies, and specifically when to introduce high allergen foods to babies. When I heard the news of the new guideline I felt like I could hear every parent collectively sigh out of frustration. It seems like every few months a new guideline is being released, making it hard for parents to stay up to date on safe practices. Unfortunately that's just the way it is in this day and age of non-stop research, but hopefully that's for our benefit.  

The new guideline made headlines Thursday and I've already had a few parents contact me wanting to know if I'll be addressing them in my Starting Solids Workshop. I always incorporate the most up to date guidelines and research in my courses, but thought it would be helpful to break it down for everyone here, to save you the headache of actually reading the entire guideline.  

Rest assured that for the vast majority of babies there is absolutely no change. In 2015 Health Canada released a Guideline that covered feeding your baby from 6-24 months and in it the recommendation was made for high allergen foods such as nut butters and cooked eggs (yolk & white) to be introduced around 6 months with the introduction of solids. This new guideline agrees with this practice, and reminds parents not to be afraid of feeding age appropriate nut products to babies regularly in your homes, starting around 6 months. Research has shown that frequent early exposure is beneficial to reducing life threatening allergies, so it's important not to let your fear of an allergy keep you from introducing this important food group. 

Where the new guideline has made changes is with "high risk children." This category includes all babies with diagnosed egg allergy or severe eczema. In these babies the recommendation is now to start high allergen foods earlier, if the baby is showing signs of readiness. Parents of high risk babies should work in partnership with their baby's physician to plan exposure to high allergen foods starting between 4-6 months when the baby is ready. Nut products and high allergen foods should be started after the baby has started solids "so that the child can demonstrate the ability to consume solid food without evidence of nonspecific signs and symptoms that could be confused with IgE-mediated food allergy." Again this is only for high risk babies. This new guideline is not advocating that we start all babies on solid food earlier. Breastmilk or Formula is still the appropriate food for the vast majority of babies for approximately the first 6 months of life.  

Parents can feel very guilty when new guildelines emerge that conflict with how they raised their children. It's important to keep in mind that this ever changing research is not perfect. As always, it could change in years to come, so all we can do is educate ourselves with the best information we can, and focus on feeding our babies a variety of healthy foods. Babies around the world start solids in many different ways, and no one way is proven perfect. Follow your instinct and your baby's lead and speak to your baby's health care provider if you have any concerns about starting solids. 

When feeding any nut products to your baby please remember that whole nuts, and large globs or thick layers of nut butters, are choking hazards. Always apply a thin layer of nut butter to toast, crackers etc, or create a thin puree mixed with other foods. Avoid whole nuts with young children. Everyone who feeds your baby should know how to help them in the event of an emergency such as choking, or a life threatening allergic reaction. For more information on how to be prepared to start solids safely with your baby check out my Starting SolidsInfant CPR Workshops and subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch my baby Penny's journey through starting solids.

- Care 

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