Perfect Food For Fall - Roasted Squash Soup & Drop Biscuits

As the days become shorter and cooler, and sweaters and boots begin to appear, I make the transition over into fall cooking. After a summer of non-stop BBQ'ing I'm usually ready to return to my stove and my cozy kitchen to make some warm delights. Risottos, stews, roasts, casseroles, soups and biscuits are exactly what fall weather calls for. 

One of my family's all time favourites is this Roasted Squash & Apple Soup (recipe below). I don't remember who gave me the recipe, but it's one that I make frequently once the cold weather arrives. I'm especially excited because this year we get to make it with squash from our own garden.

I love to pair this soup with these super simple Pull Apart Drop Biscuits from Canadian Living. The first time I made these biscuits for my mom she was so impressed that she immediately gave up on her mother's recipe she had been using for 40+ years in favour of these. That's how good they are! Plus they're so simple to make. The wet dough takes minutes to prepare, and no need to cut out individual biscuits. Just break off clumps and roll in a little flour before placing on the pan to bake. So easy!

Hope your family enjoys this fall meal as much as mine.

Happy Fall Cooking!

- Care

Roasted Squash Soup


  • 1-2 squash (butternut, acorn or buttercup)
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Onion Finely Diced
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 4 Cups Vegetable or Chicken Broth
  • 2 Apples, Peeled & Chopped
  • 1 Cup Cream or Whole Milk
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • S&P to taste


  1. Cut Squash in Half, remove seeds, brush with oil & sprinkle with S&P and Cinnamon. Roast in oven for 45 mins at 375
  2. In a large saucepan melt butter and cook onion until soft
  3. Add cooked squash (removed from skin) apple & broth and bring to a boil
  4. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 mins
  5. Add S&P and cinnamon to taste
  6. Puree with a handheld blender *optional
  7. Add cream & serve
  8. Enjoy!

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